Johnny Depp Issues One Final "Fuck You" To Amber Heard By Giving All The Money She's Had To Pay Him Directly To Charity

Source - Amber Heard's million-dollar IOU to Johnny Depp has finally been paid -- and now, we know exactly where the money's going ... different charities near and dear to his heart.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... in light of the million recently making its way to Johnny -- which, as we reported, was covered by Amber's insurance company as part of her settlement following the U.S. defamation trial -- JD is ready to dish out the dough, pronto.

We're told the cash will be split up evenly five different ways for 5 different orgs -- so, $200k each -- that tackle causes Johnny believes in. Those efforts include everything from aiding sick children with life-threatening illnesses and providing housing for historically disenfranchised communities ... to preserving ecosystems/natural environments globally.

Specifically, he'll be donating to the following nonprofits ... Make-A-Film Foundation, The Painted Turtle, Red Feather, Tetiaroa Society and the Amazonia Fund Alliance.

Giphy Images.

Standing ovation. Well done, John. Well done. For those of you who don't know, over the past three years Johnny Depp and Amber heard have gone through one of the ugliest celebrity divorces of all time. Accusation after accusation on everything from drugs to money to infidelity to pooping in bed. For a while everything was coming up Amber until the world found out that she's a lying sack of shit. Which just goes to show, what goes around comes around. If you're a scumbag, you're eventually going to be exposed. I've seen it happen in real life and there is no better feeling. 

Then you have to imagine being on the other side of this situation. You're Amber Heard. You've scratched and clawed to get a million dollar payment together for your ex husband only to have him turn around and give it away. 

Here's what he had to say..

"Johnny, from the beginning, has said he wasn't out to break Amber's bank ... but, rather, to restore his name and reputation. Him giving away her million simply cements that point."

Reputation repaired, Johnny. I also love how he's straight up refusing to play Captain Jack Sparrow despite Disney offering $20 MILLION because they cut ties with him during the trial. What a king. Have a great Tuesday. 

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